## version $VER: xpkmasterprefs.catalog 1.2 (13.02.98) ## language ## codeset 0 ; Czech translation by Vit Sindlar ; *Note* In case above e-mail address doesn't work, you can ALWAYS ; reach me at this one: ; $VER: xpkmasterprefs.cd 1.2 (17.06.97) ; texts where a * is before name, should be taken out of standard wb ; translation ; NOTE: Most of the strings have to be really short, because large strings ; force the window to be large and then it cannot be opened on standard ; 640*256(200) screens! PR_MENU_PROJECT Projekt ;Project PR_SMENU_PROJECT_OPEN O\000Otev ;O\000Open... PR_SMENU_PROJECT_LOAD_ADD M\000P ipojit... ;M\000Load Add... PR_SMENU_PROJECT_SAVE_AS A\000Ulo it jako... ;A\000Save As... PR_SMENU_PROJECT_QUIT Q\000Konec ;Q\000Quit PR_MENU_EDIT pravy ;Edit PR_SMENU_EDIT_RESET_TO_DEFAULTS D\000Z kladn stav ;D\000Reset To Defaults PR_SMENU_EDIT_LAST_SAVED L\000Naposledy ulo ;L\000Last Saved PR_SMENU_EDIT_RESTORE R\000Obnovit p edchoz ;R\000Restore PR_MENU_SETTINGS Nastaven ;Settings PR_SMENU_SETTINGS_CREATE_ICONS I\000Vytv et ikony? ;I\000Create Icons? ; different texts PR_TEXT_WINDOW_TITLE XpkMaster - nastaven ;XpkMaster Preferences PR_TEXT_ENTRY_DEFAULT standardn default PR_TEXT_ENTRY_NEW PR_TEXT_SELECT_LIBRARY Volba knihovny ;Select xpk or xex library PR_TEXT_LOAD_PREFERENCES Volba nastaven ;Load XpkMaster preferences PR_TEXT_SAVE_PREFERENCES nastaven ;Save XpkMaster preferences PR_TEXT_TITLE_ERR_REQUEST Chyba programu ;Program Error PR_TEXT_ERROR_FILEACCESS Chyba p souboru\n%s\n%s ;Error accessing file\n%s\n%s PR_TEXT_LIB_REQUIRED Je po na %s V%ld ;Requires %s V%ld PR_TEXT_VERSION_TO_HIGH Verze souboru nastaven je p \nvysok data mohou b t\nnekompletn ;Prefs file version to high,\nloaded data may be incomplete. PR_TEXT_ERROR_FILEPROCESS Chyba p i zpracov IFF souboru ;Error processing IFF file PR_TEXT_ILLEGAL_ENTRY %s polo ky %ld (%s)\nje , nelze ulo ;%s of entry %ld (%s)\nis illegal, cannot save. PR_TEXT_NO_WINDOW Nelze otev t okno, pou smo je p velk ;Could not open window,\nthe used font is too large. PR_GADGS_ERR_REQUEST ; slider gadget PR_TEXT_SLIDER_PACK_XPK_OR_XEX xpk nebo xex ;pack xpk or xex PR_TEXT_SLIDER_DO_NOT_PACK nepakovat ;do not pack PR_TEXT_SLIDER_RETURN_ERROR chybov ;return error ; gadget texts PR_GADG_Save ;Save PR_GADG_Use PR_GADG_Cancel ;Cancel PR_GADG_Use_XFD t XFD ;Use XFD PR_GADG_Use_Externals t XEX ;Use XEX PR_GADG_AutoPassword Heslo automaticky ;Auto password PR_GADG_Timeout ;Timeout PR_GADG_New PR_GADG_Delete Smazat ;Delete PR_GADG_Up Nahoru PR_GADG_Down ;Down PR_GADG_Name_Pattern Maska pro n ;Name Pattern PR_GADG_File_Pattern Maska pro soubor ;File Pattern PR_GADG_Library_Name zev knihovny ;Library Name PR_GADG_Mode ;Mode PR_GADG_ChunkSize Velikost chunku ;ChunkSize PR_GADG_PackMode d pakov ;PackMode